Welcome to Life In The Backyard!
My name is Bruce, and I’m the developer of Life In The Backyard, your one-stop website for all your backyard concepts, backyard product reviews, and a place to help you develop the best backyard experience possible.
I have actually discovered that there are many items, landscape concepts, tools, jobs, and special occasions that we consider for our yard, and I wish to share a little about my journey. My goal for the site is to share what I learn as I live the backyard life (whenever possible) and discover the products, tools, or ideas that appear to be the best.
Hopefully, some of what I share will motivate you with style, landscape, or other concepts in addition to aid you make better purchasing decisions to create your own backyard.
When I’m not dealing with this little “side project” of a website, you might discover me releasing posts on my BBQ-oriented blog site here.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the information
you find on this site.